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rECOvery Logo

Our aim is to reduce cost to customers and the environmental impact of metal to rubber components supplied by Dellner Polymer Solutions.

What are we doing to reduce the impact on the planet?

  • Moving from a linear to sustainable circular economy.
  • Recovering steel from after market parts.
  • Verified to have no effect on the performance of the products.
  • The aim is to lower the carbon footprint of the supply chain.
  • Reducing the impact on the environment for the life of the vehicle.  

 The outcome is a reduction in costs and leadtimes for the customer.


The rECOvery process:


Our aim is to reduce cost to customers and the environmental impact of metal to rubber components supplied by Dellner Polymer Solutions. 

The energy to produce steel from ore is in the region of 31 x 109 joules per ton.

The use of fossil fuels means the average CO2 emission from steel production is about 1.85 tonnes CO2 per tonne of steel produced.

The estimated amount of water used during the production of steel ranges from 340,000 to 700,000 litres/ton.

 Recycling steel typically still uses 2240kwh per ton.
